Phrasal Verbs



= Politically Correct

= used to describe language, actions, or policies that are intended not to offend or disadvantage any group of people in a society

Origin: The idea of political correctness came into use by the Communists in the 1930s as a semi-joking reminder that the Party’s interest is to be treated as a reality that is ranked above reality itself.

The semi-joke went like this:
Comrade, your statement is factually incorrect.”
“Yes, it is. But it is politically correct.”

Basically this means whether or not something was true mattered less than whether or not it advanced the Party’s interest.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This is different than the other PC = personal computer

Ex: The PC term for a black guy who lives in the U.S. is African-American.

Ex: Young people today are too sensitive and too PC.  All they worry about is not hurting someone’s feelings.

Man with Mouth Taped Shut on White
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